Michael Godfrey — Aug 23, 2021

Under the shadow of a midnight return to Alert Level 4 on 17 August, around 15 souls gathered in Nightcaps for more spirited conversations.....

Nightcaps – allegedly named early in its history for the small lenticular clouds that form on the surrounding hilltops, surely has the most romantic name in the diocese? Our intrepid band of Dunedinites made our way thither in our signwritten cars, from varied points of origin. Our Anglican crew rendezvoused there with local, Roman Catholic Fr. Hamesh Wyatt, called in from the benches to sub for Bishop Michael, who was unable to attend. As the travellers made their way (some stopping for dinner in Winton) Jacinda Ardern made her way to the podium. She didn’t pass Winton. At 6.00 o’clock she announced a pending lockdown to begin at 11.59. Our third Mulled evening was due to end around 9.00. Nightcaps is close to three hours from Dunedin.

Nightcaps Hotel — Image by: Lorraine Benford

But gather we did. Food had been ordered for some twenty and for a while the first arrivers thought the kai was all theirs. Not so. Lockdown-aware or not some 14 turned up, armed with challenging questions: “Why do Churches disagree?” “Why can’t a lay person preside at the eucharist?” “Should the Church be involved in politics?” No curve balls there (or googlies, or any other preferred metaphor)!

Nightcaps Mulled Conversations — Image by: Michael Godfrey

Conversation flowed, mulled wine flowed in driving-conscious quantities, the publican delivered endless food and a few in-swinging Yorkers of his own, and another fine night was had. Two of the three sign-written cars made it back by 11.59, albeit with minutes to spare. The third? We won’t tell who wasn’t home until 12.02 a.m. 

Nightcaps Mulled Conversations — Image by: Lorraine Benford
Nightcaps Mulled Conversations — Image by: Lorraine Benford
Nightcaps Mulled Conversations — Image by: Lorraine Benford

This has been a joint venture between The Diocese of Dunedin and the Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. The invitation is for all to join Bishop Steve and Bishop Michael for a relaxed evening of drinking mulled wine and mulling over questions about life, the universe and everything! Come along to one of the following evenings and venues (why not display the attached poster not only at your church but on community noticeboards, the local shop or pub... wherever).

A question with Bishop Steve: 28 July 2021 Called South

(Bishop Steve also reflects on the Mulled Evenings in a recent  video...)