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Postage Stamps
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Postage Stamps - Fundraiser for Anglican Missions

Nicola Wong —

Thank you to all those parishes which collect stamps for Anglican Missions.......

Recently the Diocesan office packaged up 4 boxes of stamps which had been collected by different parishes, and sent them to Anglican Missions.

Linda Dear from Anglican Missions sent word of thanks......

"Thank you very much for all the stamps! So far we have received 4 boxes.

I’m still to open them all, but your efforts in gathering these and sending them to us are much appreciated. 

It is amazing how stamps sales keep going! Last year we raised $5,000 from stamp sales (enough for a water tank in Fiji) and so far this year have raised $1,800 so we are still doing well with this fundraiser for missions.

So thanks again for your contribution."

The Diocesan office is very happy to forward these on to Anglican Missions,  traditionally parishes bring collected stamps to Synod, but we are happy to receive them throughout the year.