Hero photograph
Cleaning Up
Photo by pixabay.com

Archives and History

Andrew Metcalfe —

Are you having a clean out at Church for 2023? Wondering about what to keep and what to throw away?

Our History and Archives webpage not only tells you how to access archives related to Anglican Churches within the Diocese, but also has information and links about what Parishes should be keeping and depositing in archives, and how to go about doing this.

If you are having a clean out, records that are important to keep (archive) are:

  • Baptism and marriage registers
  • Other service registers
  • Cemetery records
  • Vestry records
  • Other committee records
  • Records of anniversary or other significant commemorations
  • Annual financial records
  • Property records, building plans and specifications, building restoration records
  • Sunday School records
  • Choir records
  • Records of organisations associated with the church such as the Mother’s Union, Server’s Guild, Ladies Guild, Association of Anglican Women, etc.
  • Photos of significant people and events in the life of the Church or Parish

Historic bound statute books in the Diocesan Office — Image by: Andrew Metcalfe

How about keeping a "Ephemera box" that you collect small but important things in, like service sheets for special occasions? These can be deposited at the Hocken, Invercargill City Library Archives and North Otago Museum. Also, these places are keen to receive electronic or hard copies of any Parish Magazines.

More than decluttering required... — Image by: pixabay.com