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Safety in a Post Terrorist World

Andrew Metcalfe - November 10, 2022

The attacks on the Mosques in Christchurch in March 2019 sent a major shock wave through New Zealand and have made us think of safety issues for any faith communities that gather to worship.

It is incredibly sad to have to raise awareness of this, but the Diocesan Council want to encourage Vestries and Local Committees to think about this and agenda it in your meetings under Health and Safety.

The Diocese of Christchurch have useful resources to help talk to children about difficult events such as terrorism and also have provided a useful template for what to do if something disturbing takes place (attached below)

The main take home message is that although none of us can be prepared for any eventuality, it is worth thinking about how you will handle it if something happens. 

We also recommend you read and follow the advice provided in the Good Practice Guide: Lockdown in Government Workplaces to plan what you might need to do to keep your people safe.