Hero photograph
Pastoral Care
Photo by Nicola Wong

Introduction to Pastoral Care

Keith Gover —

Saturday June 9 10am-12 noon, The Lounge, Holy Trinity Church, Windsor, Invercargill (Open to all)

If you are involved in pastoral care as a ministry, you are exploring the possibility of sharing in pastoral ministry, or are just interested in the topic, come along to this introduction to Pastoral Care. 

The seminar will be led by Judith Stewart, who for the past fifteen years has been

Spiritual Support person at Hospice Southland - providing spiritual care to patients

and their families, and continuing care for family members in their bereavement

after the death of their loved one.

  • Pastoral Care - what is it?
  • Listening and responding skills
  • Feelings - the person I'm with and mine
  • Boundaries - keeping everyone safe

Judith has also been a member of the education team at Hospice, offering

education on communication, and emotional and spiritual aspects of palliative

care to those looking after the dying in our community.

In offering an "Introduction to Pastoral Care" on June 9th, Judith is looking

forward to sharing her knowledge and experiences in pastoral care with members

of the combined Anglican parishes.