Jocelyn Czerwonka — May 1, 2024

The Messy Church National Team and Dr Dave Gregory (UK) and Rev Greg Ross (Western Australia) are all very excited to be bringing the Messy Church Road Trip Trainings to Aotearoa New Zealand, including Cromwell on 23-24 May.

We do hope you can join us and encourage many others from your region who have an interest in Messy Church to join us.

Attached is the programme and list of towns/cities we will be visiting. Feel free to choose any of the options that will work for you. We would have loved to have added more options for venues but time, travel and costs make it limiting.

Many of you will know Greg and Dave from the National Conferences we ran in 2020. It is such a blessing to have them back again. Greg Ross is the Western Australia Messy Church Regional Coordinator and is also involved in running Messy Church Summer Camps. Dr Dave Gregory has a special interest in Messy Church Does Science and Climate Change. He has been a Baptist Minister for over 20 years, been involved in Messy Church and Messy Church trainings for many years and currently is the Baptist Missioner in Science and the Environment in the UK.

From the NZ National Team, Claire Wyeth (Messy Church Encourager for Auckland ), Alex Czerwonka and myself, Jocelyn Czerwonka who are based in Whanganui will be travelling with Greg and Dave. Carrole Lewis (Messy Church Encourager for Kapiti and our library coordinator ) will be joining us in Wellington and Christchurch. Angela Brown (Messy Church Encourager for Christchurch: ) will be with us in Christchurch. We are also very grateful to Mandi Geustyn ( who is our Messy Church Encourager for the lower South Island, who is helping to coordinate the Cromwell training days.

We will have options for registering for the Training Days on the website in the near future. In the meantime, if you can spread the word and share the poster with others we would be very grateful. We would also appreciate any feedback to help us with our planning and appreciate an indication of your interest. You can email me at: or contact your local Messy Church Encourager or contact us via the contact form on the Messy Church website. (Unfortunately our previous messy church email addresses no longer work, so these are the best options for making contact with us. )

Many blessings to you all,

Jocelyn Czerwonka and the National team

Messy Church National Team Aotearoa New Zealand
