Hero photograph
Participants at the 2021 Local Church’s Conference, St Mark’s, Balclutha 
Photo by Andrew Metcalfe

Local Churches AGM 27 April 2021

Andrew Metcalfe —

Local Church and Diocesan representatives met for their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 27 April in Balclutha.

The meeting was chaired by Bishop Steve Benford with Anne Gover taking minutes. We were welcomed to St Mark's Balclutha by the Rev'd Brett Roberts who asked us to pray for the parish there as well as for each other. Local church representatives from Waikaia, Balfour, Lumsden, Milton, St Martha's and Waikouaiti were joined by the Michael Godfrey (Diocesan Ministry Educator) and Anne Van Gend (Diocesan Community Ministry Facilitator) and Andrew Metcalfe (Diocesan Registrar). Keith Gover (Archdeacon from Southland) was also present.

For some of the rural churches, there continue to be challenges (especially in the past year with the COVID-19 pandemic), but also the joy of an ongoing significant presence in their communities. Delegates spoke of small but loyal groups of people who often tend to meet in house churches, but also throw open the doors of their churches for significant occasions. St Mary's Waikaia continue to hold occasional well attended services and St John's in Waikouaiti have been getting new lay leaders on board and looking at ways they can collaborate more with other faith communities in their area. 

For another of our local churches, St Martha's, there continues to be growth even over the very challenging time of lockdown. They have embraced a digital word and continue to have a mid week evening prayer via Zoom which draws a wide variety of people together. It's been a great joy to have new people attending over recent weeks. They are appreciating using facilities at St Martins (North East Valley) to meet in without having the hassle of worrying about their own buildings. 

Bishop Steve paid special tribute to Pauline Bacon, the Ministry Leader at St John's in Milton who passed away this year. We prayed for Pauline (may she rest in peace), for her husband Wayne and her family and for the small congregation in Milton as they look to the future together. 

During the meeting a vacancy for a Local Churches Lay representative was filled by Joel Stutter who is part of the St. Martha's community. 

Rev’d Anne Van Gend at the Local Churches Conference. — Image by: Andrew Metcalfe

Rev'd Dr Anne Van Gend gave a taster to the meeting for a new Bishop's Companion Programme being developed for 2022. More information will be coming out over the next few months, but it will be an opportunity for people to dig more deeply into the Diocesan Vision with a dedicated companion, that is, to read the Bible, pray and live out the Life of Christ. 

Please continue to keep these communities in your prayers