Hero video
Rev’d Arnold Spencer - Smith Window Blessing
Video by Called South

Rev’d Arnold Spencer - Smith Window Blessing

Andrew Metcalfe —

On the 9th of March, 2024 at All Saints’ Church, Dunedin, the 108th anniversary of Rev’d Arnold Patrick Spencer-Smith's death was commemorated with a Mass, the blessing of a new stained glass window, and a reception - public lecture with Dr David Harrowfield, NZAM, DSc, CF.

It was a poignant and moving service, where readings included excerpts from Arnold Spencer Smith’s diary, expressing his wonder at this unexplored part of the world… but also his deep faith and knowledge that the end was near. 

Window maker (Peter McKenzie), the artist (Jenna Packer) and stonemason (Marcus Wainwright) — Image by: Andrew Metcalfe

The artist (Jenna Packer), window maker (Peter McKenzie) and stonemason (Marcus Wainwright) were present at the service along with other distinguished guests. Bishop Steve (who presided at the Eucharist and blessed the window) spoke of Arnold’s faith, commitment and courage in this journey, which so tragically ended in death for him and other members of the imperial Trans Antarctic Expedition lead by Shackleton. Jed Shackleton and Clare Greensmith, both relatives of Sir Ernest Shackleton, also took part by reading the text on the window as part of the blessing ceremony. 

Unveiling and blessing the window — Image by: Andrew Metcalfe

The 7th vicar of All Saints, the Rev’d Canon Philip Gaze was the cousin of Fr Arnold Spencer-Smith, and was presented with the chalice and paten used on the ice, which the family have allowed to be used at All Saints’ ever since. 

The congregation sharing The Peace — Image by: Andrew Metcalfe

The soundtrack for this video is of the hymn “Eternal Father, Strong to Save”, performed by the St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral Choir in Edinburgh, where Fr. Arnold was ordained a deacon in 1910, served a curacy and was ordained a priest on 13th September 1914. 

 A livestream record of the service can be found here with the lecture available here

Admiring a significant addition to All Saints' Dunedin North. — Image by: Andrew Metcalfe