Cursillo Update
Join us at our Cursillo Zoom Ultreya on 24 August and a call to share memories of Cursillo on for details
Saturday 24 August from 10.30am – 11.30am
The Zoom link is
Meeting ID: 920 3462 7879
Instead of a witness talk we will have a time of sharing about what Cursillo has meant to each of us and what we have been learning in our Christian journey since then.
We look forward to seeing you on Zoom.
De Colores
Anne Gover
Cursillo History Call
Rev'd Dr Michael Godfrey is continuing to work on updating our Diocesan history.
He has asked for any people in the diocese with memories of Cursillo could contact him at or 022 342 9977 with recollections and reflections that can be included in the Diocesan History (up to 2019) that he is working on. These recollections don’t need to be for this Diocese only. Michael would particularly like to hear from any who attended in Christchurch or Wellington before the diocesan events got underway, and from attendees at the first few in Dunedin i.e. around 2000 to 2003.
Ultreyas for 2024
We have set the dates for Ultreyas during 2024 as follows with venues to be advised –
24 August – Zoom
Meeting ID for any sessions by Zoom:
The Zoom link is
Meeting ID: 920 3462 7879
A link to the What is Cursillo pamphlet 2023
Key leaders in the Diocese of Dunedin
Acting Spiritual Advisor: Rev’d Vivienne Galletly
Secretary: Margaret McLanachan
Treasurer: Anne Gover
If you want to share news or information with others in this group, please contact Diocesan Registrar, Andrew Metcalfe at or telephone 03 481 0821.
What is Cursillo?
Cursillo is a movement of the Anglican Church under the oversight of each diocesan bishop. The goal of Cursillo is to help the Church in its mission to bring all the world and the whole of life under the Lordship of Christ. Its method is to empower Christians through participation in a three-day course which provides the vision and offers an on-going process for achieving this goal. Cursillo equips Christians to live out their baptismal calling to serve Christ in the world.
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