Hero photograph
All Equally Human cover
Photo by Susan Jones

We are all equally human

Andrew Metcalfe —

Susan Jones is taking orders for her new book, We are all equally human, book two of the coffee shop trilogy.

Rev'd Susan Jones - poet, writer, musician and spiritual guide writes:

Equally Human aims to empathise with and educate both gay and straight, inside and outside organised religion. It is intended to resource the church in its ongoing discussions about members of the rainbow community.

The importance of us all recognising each other as equally human whatever our orientation is re-affirmed here.

This debate has been present in New Zealand mainstream churches since the 1970s and has raged since 1991.

Public debates do not allow time and space for considered laying out of the relevant points nor exploration of underlying forces greater than all of us. 

It has been a privilege to have time to investigate and write on this topic. You can help spread this resource to others not yet entirely convinced.

Have a look at the attached flyer for this book and others that Susan has written. 

Susan has shared a seasonal peom from he book Progressing the Journey for your reflections:

Easter Day Year A
Today, we Christians (yes, us, that stuffy lot)
are making the country happy
(well, perhaps not retailers in tourist towns)
but definitely we are making others happy today.
They get to have a holiday on this holy day
accompanied by chocolate eggs
and other forms of chocolate which have been
woven into the urban legend over the years.
(This year I saw a chocolate kiwi in the supermarket aisles.)

It’s right the general population is invited to enjoy,
to re-create, to celebrate at Easter for that is what we celebrate too
the joy, the release, the freedom, (chocolate covered or not.)

Today we embrace the Spirituality of Life,
Thankful we have come through the darkness of death.
We are more than only unscathed.
Easter reminds us there is transforming power
afoot in the world and, if we allow it,
it might just transform us!

© Susan Jones Progressing the Journey

Orders: jones.rs@xtra.co.nz

Information: www.jonessmblog.wordpress.com