Diocesan Council and Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board Meetings November-December 2024
The Diocesan Council (Standing Committee), the Trusts Board and the Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board meet monthly. Read on for some highlights from November and December 2024.
Diocesan Trusts Board
Nikita Wilson (Youth Synod Rep) was appointed to the Pensions Committee in November
Emma Hodgkin and Quentin Bair were appointed to the Board of Anglican Family Care for two-year terms in December.
Katherine Shaw was was appointed for a further two-year term on Board of Anglican Family Care in December.
Diocesan Council and Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board
Joint Trust Board and Diocesan Council Meeting
Joint meetings take place between these two bodies twice a year, and this took place at the November meeting. This time the meeting was structured around exploring common challenges, opportunities, what was "top of mind" and how we could connect better and progress some actions previously identified. Common issues included property (being overwhelmed at local and Diocesan level on dealing with property matters, underutilised assets, getting a Property Person in place who could assist with all of this). Capacity to service Insurance premiums remains a concern. Impact investment is firmly on the DDTB agenda as well as how faith communities could be helped to ensure their assets are having maximum impact. Work is starting on developing a position description for a Property Person who can assist the Diocesan Office and Faith Communities around property matters.
New Bishop-Elect
Anne van Gend was acknowledged at the December meeting as Bishop-Elect, arrangements are still being finalised for an ordination service on 29 March 2025. Bishop Ross Bay (Archbishops' Commissary) expressed thanks for all the hard work that the Arrangements Committee, the Diocesan Office and the Electoral Synod made to achieve this nomination. At Diocesan Council in December congratulations were passed onto Anne and appreciation for all the candidates who made themselves available for this process.
Social Justice Committee Grants
A grant was approved by Diocesan Council in December for Leslie Groves to help pay for an emergency generator.
A faculty was approved for the Milton Local Church for completing the cemetery improvements in Back Road. This included work from local community groups and the University of Otago to install seating, plaques, signage and fencing for this historic site.
South Centre
South Centre had its AGM in December, and minutes were ratified for this. The Diocesan Council continues to act as the Trust Board for South Centre; solutions to address this situation are being explored in 2025.
Minutes from the Third Day of Synod and the Electoral College
These were approved by Diocesan Council and will be published in the 2024 Yearbook (we are aiming to publish this in January 2025).
Diocesan Council Committees
The following membership was confirmed at the November and December meetings:
Ministry Committee: The Ven Dr Anne van Gend, Rev’d John Graveston, Rev’d Natalie Milliken, Rev’d Jenny Tapsell (LSM), Ms Eirwen Mitchell, Mr Theodore Rose, Mrs Karen Hoffman, Rev’d Craig Smith.
Mission Committee: Mr Keith Gover, Prof Stuart Young, Dr Caroline Oliver.
Social Justice Committee: The Ven Jan Clark, Ms. Lisa Burton, Rev’d Canon Rose Scott, Mr Simon Courtney, Dr Carolyn Tregea, Rev’d Canon Dr Michael Wallace, Ms. Nikki Gordon-Smith.
Stewardship Committee: Mr. Steve Mitchell, The Ven Liz Cheyne, The Very Rev’d Dr Tony Curtis, Rev’d John Graveston, and The Bishop. Ms. Fiona Gray (Diocesan Accountant) also attends.
Pension Committee: The Ven Damon Plimmer (Interim Chair), Rev’d Vivienne Galletly, Mrs Nicola Wong, Mrs Sarah Kyte, Ms Nikita Wilson. The Bishop will also be part of this committee. The Ven Sue McCafferty (Bishop’s Chaplain to Retired Clergy) and Andrew Metcalfe (Diocesan Registrar) also support this committee, attending with speaking rights only.
Regular Reporting
Diocesan Registrar: Andrew Metcalfe continues to keep various property matters in front of Diocesan Council and the Trusts Board, including progress on property sales (currently taking place in Lumsden and Arrowtown) as well as supporting some Dunedin Parishes who need to respond the Dunedin City Council requests for information about seismic ratings of their buildings.
Andrew also reported back on attendance at the Australia- NZ Diocesan Managers Conference in November. As this took place in Christchurch, there was significant reflection on what has taken place post the Earthquake, noting that their statutes did not have anything to give when it came to a disaster of this magnitude and empowering them to act in an emergency. There was also updating on the Royal Commission Enquiry process to date and the importance of ensuring our own safeguarding processes are up to date. There was also input on health and safety, Church Trusts and managing relationships with Church Schools.
A reminder of who is on Diocesan Council and the DDTB:
Diocesan Council:
Clergy: The Ven Jan Clark (Vicar General); The Ven Liz Cheyne [Southland]; The Very Rev’d Dr Tony Curtis SCP; Rev'd Natalie Milliken [Dunedin City]; The Ven Damon Plimmer (Archdeacon of Central Otago); Rev’d Canon Dr Michael Wallace [Dunedin City]
Laity: Mr Keith Gover [Southland]; Mr Steve Mitchell [Southland]; Mr Theodore Rose [Dunedin]; Ms Nikki Gordon-Smith [Dunedin]; Dr Gillian Townsley [St Hilda's Collegiate Chaplain].
In Attendance each meeting
Mr Andrew Metcalfe (Diocesan Registrar - Kaiwhakahaere), Rev'd John Graveston (Diocesan Child, Youth, Family Educator), The Ven Dr Anne Van Gend (Diocesan Ministry Educator ), The Ven Barb Barb Walker (Archdeacon of the Rural South), The Ven Sue McCafferty (Archdeacon of North and East Otago)
Diocesan Council Committees: (see above)
Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board - DDTB
Mr Stephen Grant (Chair)
Mrs Janice Burton
Rev’d Richard Johnson
Ms Susie Johnstone
Mr William Paterson
Rev’d Eric Kyte
Mr Brian Tegg
One vacant seat - click here for information for potential Trustees.
In attendance: Ms Fiona Gray (Diocesan Accountant - Secretary), Mr Andrew Metcalfe (Diocesan Registrar - Kaiwhakahaere)
Other Information
The Diocesan Council is the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Dunedin Synod as regulated by Statute 1: To regulate the composition and procedures of the Diocesan Synod and to establish a diocesan council.
It has the authority to make decisions to develop, resource and support the Anglican Church to reveal and build the Kingdom of God in Otago & Southland: responding to God’s Call in Otago and Southland: Faith Communities reading the Bible, praying, living out the life of Jesus Christ. It must ensure its objectives and strategies are grounded in the teachings of the Bible, and that it’s decisions uphold its core apostolic mission to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and make his disciples.
The Trusts Board considers applications for vacancies on various Boards, Trusts and other Committees for Diocese of Dunedin organisations. It consists of voting Diocesan Council members.
The DDTB manages two investment funds (the Income Fund and the Growth Fund) as trustee for diocesan institutions. It also has legal ownership of all Diocesan properties i.e. it acts a trustee for all Diocesan institutions including local churches and parishes, who are the beneficial owners, who make use of these resources for their mission and ministry.
For any correspondence to the Diocesan Council or Trusts Board, contact Andrew Metcalfe: registrar@calledsouth.org.nz, Telephone (03) 488 0821. Any matters for these committees need to be received 7 days before scheduled meetings so that members have time to read all the material required. Diocesan Council usually meets on the second Tuesday of each month.
For DDTB related matters, contact Andrew Metcalfe or DDTB Secretary Fiona Gray accountant@calledsouth.org.nz. The DDTB usually meet on the first Tuesday of each month.
Diocesan Council and (joint) DDTB Meeting Schedule
Diocesan Council has changed its schedule for 2025, now (mostly) meeting on the third Tuesday of each month:
18 February 2025 – Full Meeting
18 March 2025 - Short Zoom Meeting (if required)
08 April 2025 - Full Meeting (including joint meeting with the DDTB) (Note: this is change of the date from Holy Week to the week before)
20 May 2025 - Short Zoom Meeting (if required)
17 June 2025 - Full Meeting
15 July 2025 - Short Zoom Meeting (if required)
19 August 2025 - Full Meeting
16 September - Short Zoom Meeting (if required)
21 October - Full Meeting
18 November – change to Full Meeting (including joint meeting with the DDTB)
16 December – change to Short Zoom Meeting (if required)
Please continue to hold the Diocesan Council, Trusts Board and the DDTB in your prayers.