Andrew Metcalfe — Apr 16, 2024

The Diocesan Council (Standing Committee), the Trusts Board and the Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board meet monthly. Read on for some highlights from April this year....

Diocesan Trusts Board

Diocesan Council and Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board


Further conversations were held about this during a joint meeting of the Diocesan Council and the DDTB this month. We are planning to get some more information out about the role of the DDTB under the Canons of the Anglican Church, including its mandate to ensure all properties are insured, but also to ensure that this is affordable. 

Bluff and Greenhills Union Parish

This Parish has been in the process of winding up-removing itself from the UCANZ (Uniting Congregations of Aotearoa New Zealand). The Methodist Church is continuing to explore how ministry could continue in this area, and the Diocese of Dunedin wants to support them in this. We will acknowledge the dissolution of this parish at our next Synod (the Anglican Parish of Bluff was formally constituted in 1911). 

General Synod (GSTHW)

Diocesan Council agreed that the Financial Contribution from the Diocese of Dunedin for 2025-2027 be $25,000 (plus GST) per year. 

Diocesan Office Closures

Diocesan Council agreed that the Diocesan Office will be closed for public enquiries/access for Friday 26 April and from Monday 24 June 2023 to Friday 12 July 2024. This is due to staff availability at these times. 

Social Justice Committee Grants

Grants were ratified by Diocesan Council for Friday Light and the payment of the Diocese of Dunedin subscription to the NZCCSS (Anglican Care Network).

Synod 2024

Diocesan Council began reviewing what is required for Synod this year, and further information will be shared in due course. This will take place from Friday 13 September to Saturday 14 or Sunday 15 September.  

Property and DDTB

Diocesan Council and the DDTB are monitoring some property matters at the moment. The DDTB has been receiving letters from Dunedin City Council requesting responses to potentially earthquake prone buildings, and the Diocesan Office will work with faith communities on how they can respond to these. 

A Property Commission is currently taking place with Lumsden Local Church to look at the future of buildings/plant there. 

The DDTB and the Diocesan Office have been working with their legal team to resolve property title issues for the Wakatipu Parish so that they can move to sell surplus land to purchase a Vicarage. 

The Bishop's house has been purchased for the Diocese by the DDTB (where there was a previous arrangement of 60% Bishop and 40% Diocese ownership). This will enable housing to be provided for any future Bishop of Dunedin to enable his/her ministry. 

The DDTB March Quarter distribution rate was set at 5.50% and the "interest run" where funds are distributed to investors is taking place now. 

Regular Reporting

Diocesan Ministry Educator: Anne continues to be active with a variety of commitments including Rural Chaplaincy, Bishop’s Companion, diving deeper, pre/post ordination programmes, Ministry retreat and Scattered People. She has also spent time with other Ministry Educators nationally and other national and parish-based consultations/reviews.

Diocesan Child Youth and Family Educator: John reported on a variety of activities, with two significant ones being the Young people’s Hui and Easter activity packs.

Diocesan Registrar: Andrew reported on recent Office visits to the Maniototo and to Gladstone. He has been assisting the Ven Sue McCafferty to have access to some resources for her roles (Chaplain for Retired Clergy and Archdeacon for North and East Otago).

A successful national meeting was held for Registrars-Managers representing 3 Tikanga in Dunedin early March.

A reminder of who is on Diocesan Council and the DDTB: 

Diocesan Council: 

Clergy: The Rt Rev’d Steven Benford; Rev’d Liz Cheyne [Southland]; Rev'd Natalie Milliken [Dunedin City] Rev’d Canon Michael Wallace [Dunedin City], Rev'd Eric Kyte [Dunedin City]

Laity: Mr Keith Gover [Southland]; Mrs Dot Muir [Southland]; Mr Steve Mitchell [Southland], Ms Lynda Turner-Heaton [Southland]

In Attendance each meeting

Mr Andrew Metcalfe (Diocesan Registrar - Kaiwhakahaere), Rev'd John Graveston (Diocesan Child, Youth, Family Educator), The Ven Dr Anne Van Gend (Diocesan Community Ministry Enabler - Ministry Educator [secondment]), The Ven Jan Clark (Archdeacon of Dunedin City), The Ven Damon Plimmer (Archdeacon of Central Otago)

Diocesan Council Committees:

Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board - DDTB

In attendance: Ms Fiona Gray (Diocesan Accountant - Secretary), Mr Andrew Metcalfe (Diocesan Registrar - Kaiwhakahaere)

Other Information

The Diocesan Council is the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Dunedin Synod as regulated by Statute 1: (To regulate the composition and procedures of the Diocesan Synod and to establish a diocesan council). The Trusts Board considers applications for vacancies on various Boards, Trusts and other Committees for Diocese of Dunedin organisations. The DDTB manages two investment funds (the Income Fund and the Growth Fund) as trustee for diocesan institutions. It also has legal ownership of all Diocesan properties i.e. it acts a trustee for all Diocesan institutions including local churches and parishes, who are the beneficial owners, who make use of these resources for their mission and ministry.

For any correspondence to the Diocesan Council or Trusts Board, contact Andrew Metcalfe:, Telephone (03) 488 0821. Any matters for these committees need to be received 7 days before scheduled meetings so that members have time to read all the material required. Diocesan Council usually meets on the second Tuesday of each month.

For DDTB related matters, contact Andrew Metcalfe or DDTB Secretary Fiona Gray The DDTB usually meet on the thirst Tuesday of each month. 

Diocesan Council and DDTB Meeting Schedule 

Please continue to hold the Diocesan Council, Trusts Board and the DDTB in your prayers.