Important Dates for your calendars
Andrew Metcalfe - January 6, 2025
Important dates and Reminders
We have some general reminders that Vestries, Church Committees, Chapters and other leadership groups can refer to to help keep on top of everything you need to report on or respond to.
The following summary is attached below to print and refer to.
The list below is not comprehensive and will be added to when we hear of anything that needs to be on here - please contact the Diocesan Registrar with any suggestions, and we will add them to future versions.
We suggest that some of these may be “standing agenda items” on governance body agendas
Standing Agenda Items:
Contingency Plan – see Contingency Plan for a template you can use. What will you do if key people in your community are no longer able to fulfil other duties?
Leases – for facilities, house leases that are not registered with the DDTB. Make a note to review these and what month work needs to start on this. Agenda this for the first meeting of your year.
Health and Safety – a standing agenda item. Any major concerns, accidents-incidents or near misses? Any regular training that needs to take place?
Safeguarding and complaints – a standing agenda item. Safeguarding training and audits will be advised during the year.
Revaluations of Properties are due every three years – contact Diocesan Accountant for what is required around this.
Annual Inspections of property held by faith community, including vicarages – schedule these in, you may want to use the annual Loss Prevention Audit (see June prompt below) as an opportunity to do this, see also the website Section G of the handbook has other additional information that may be helpful, including Number 4 (Vicarages, Deaneries and other Faith Community Houses) Section 12i Vicarage or Church House Checklist.
Annual Review of Terriers – schedule your Terrier to be reviewed during the year, with any additions or subtractions noted. Please send any updated information to the Registrar in the Diocesan Office. See Terrier (Church Property Register) Template– a useful document for taking an inventory. Contact the Registrar for information for when you last submitted this.
Clergy Matters - Clergy Licence requirements are dealt with directly from the Bishop’s office, on an individual basis, as they fall due. Lay Minister Licence renewal occurs triennially – next due Pentecost 2025. Licensing outside of that can be requested via the Bishop’s office.
Diocese of Dunedin: Reminders of Important Deadlines
Month | General Deadlines or Events | Synod deadlines |
January | Reminder to update Contributions sent through to the Diocesan Office, including any direct debits for stipends and wages (following any annual increase implemented in January). | Memo about AGMs and Annual returns sent to faith communities (hard copy and electronic) |
February |
March |
April | Ministry School | Annual Returns sent to Diocesan Office by the end of the month. Includes officer details, declarations and statistics. |
May | Pentecost Triennial Lay Minister relicensing- 2025, 2028, 2031 etc. | Memo sent to Synod reps and to report authors (for Synod book) by the end of the month (deadline third Thursday in July) |
June | Loss Prevention Audit – due end of the month.
July |
Month | General Deadlines or Events | Synod deadlines |
August |
September |
| Synod – 2nd Friday to 2nd Sunday of the month (2025 this is 12-14 September) |
October | Diocesan Retreat By 25 October each year: Insurance - Notification to Diocesan Office of any changes to insurance cover for buildings and contents including details of any large additions/disposals of fixed assets, details of purchases or disposal of vehicles | Diocesan Council – ratification of Diocesan Committees, Declarations for incoming Diocesan Council Members (every two years). |
November |
December | End of year Clergy Gathering with Bishop