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Local Churches AGM byZoom
Photo by Andrew Metcalfe

Local Churches AGM 5 May 2022

Andrew Metcalfe —

A brief Local Churches AGM took place by Zoom on 5 May, with the aim to have an in-person meeting in September.

Bishop Steve began with devotions for the 18 people present, who represented three local churches and included the Archdeacon of Southland (Keith Gover) as well as others based at Peter Man House. Anne Gover assisted by taking minutes. 

Steve reminded the group of Isaiah 40: 9:

Climb up a high mountain, you messenger of good news to Zion! Lift up your voice with strength, you messenger to Jerusalem! Lift it up! Don't be afraid! Say to the towns of Judah, 'Here is your God!'

He asked how would we do this now i.e. say "here is your God"? The current Easter season readings tell of many appearances of Jesus and realisations that "it is the Lord". That's still the challenge today - to recognise and proclaim Christ, and give thanks for his presence with us. 

The meeting elected Synod reps (Rev'd. Esther Clark Prebble, Clergy as well as lay reps June Morris and Cameron Coombe (with William Pearman a lay alternate).

Bishop Steve gave a brief outline of worship taking place in some of our smaller centers. This has been impacted by the Pandemic, but he continues to attempt to be in these places at least one a year. 

The Bishop and Diocesan Council/Synod continue to look at how ministry can be provided on a more permanent basis for some of our more rural areas, alongside looking at long term strategy that includes dealing with buildings and ensuring an on-going faith presence. 

Bishop Steve finished by reading Psalm 100: 

1. Cry out with joy to the Lord ′ all the ′ earth: worship with gladness, and enter the Lord′s ′ presence · with ′ songs of ′ joy.

2. Know that the Lord is God, our maker, whose ′ people · we ′ are:
the flock which the ′ Lord our ′ God ′ shepherds.

3. Enter the gates of the temple with thanksgiving, and go into its ′ courts with ′ praise:
give thanks, and ′ bless God′s ′ holy ′ name.

4. For the Lord is a gracious God, whose mercy is ′ ever′lasting:
and whose faithfulness endures‿from gener′ation · to′ gener′ation.

Local Churches 2022 — Image by: Andrew Metcalfe