Bishop Steven Benford — Jan 13, 2021

I'm delighted to announce that Rev'd Dr Anne Van Gend has been appointed as our new Diocesan Community Enabler.

This is a new role resulting from a successful application to St John's Trust which made resources available to Dioceses looking to explore new ways of enabling faith following the impact of COVID-19, especially in more rural areas of the Diocese.

Anne has a wide range of experience including an undergraduate degree in music, and postgraduate in education and theology, including a cross-disciplinary PhD (theology and literature). She was ordained 25 years ago, and has worked as a secondary teacher and priest cross-culturally in Zambia, South Africa and the Northern Territory of Australia prior to returning to Aotearoa New Zealand in 2013. She is more recently known to more of us in her role as Executive Director of the Anglican Schools Office and  Deputy Vicar General (from 7 July 2020). She is married to  the Ven. Dr Michael Godfrey, Diocesan Ministry Educator. 

Anne will be beginning work with us on 1 March - more details to follow. Please join with me in welcoming Anne to this exciting new position and keep her in your prayers as she transitions into this role. 

+Steven Benford.