Brad Wood — Sep 28, 2021

Discipleship Pathway is a free, video based, online training resource where some of New Zealand's best church leadership trainers share their skills, stories and tools. Read on for more information.....

In July 2020, after the first New Zealand lockdown, a seed of a dream was planted. What would it look like to take the knowledge, skills and tools from New Zealand’s best church leadership trainers and package them into a digital form that could be accessed by anyone in Aotearoa, at any time, for free? So began the journey of Discipleship Pathway. Over the following year our team invited a number of incredible ministry trainers to have their skills recorded as digital classes, with key elements broken into short videos. During this time we have had the privilege of creating some very special content that will ensure no matter where you are in New Zealand, no matter the Alert Level, no matter what your church resources are, you and your team can access high quality training. This is a resource for all of God’s people throughout Aotearoa.

We have started the journey of Discipleship Pathway focusing on youth ministry skills and over time we will release more classes which will provide training for church leadership, children’s ministry and forming disciples. We are at the very beginning of this adventure and hope that you will join us. Our prayer is that these classes will help to equip you for the call Christ has placed on your heart, whether you live in Auckland or Invercargill, Whangārei or Whakatū. May you be blessed as you serve the Creator who is calling all people unto Himself.

Richest blessings in Christ,

Brad Wood - Discipleship Pathway Director


What is it?

Discipleship Pathway is a free, video based, online training resource where some of New Zealand's best church leadership trainers share their skills, stories and tools. Our first classes are focused on youth ministry and over time we will release church leadership, children's ministry and discipleship focused classes.

Who is it for?

It is for anyone with a desire to be equipped to live out their faith in Aotearoa. Some of our classes are for specific ministry areas but many will be great for personal faith development.

Who made it?

It has been made in partnership between the Anglican Diocese of Nelson and the class trainers with funding from St. Johns College Trust Board.

Where and when will it be available?

Our first classes are available now at These classes include:

How much does it cost?

It is free to enrol in any class, there is no cost to accessing this resource.