Hero photograph
Photo by Andrew Metcalfe

August is Mission Month

Andrew Metcalfe —

Anglican Missions have a variety of resources and ideas on how you can focus on Mission during the month of August, as well as their latest newsletter

Latest Newsletter and Download Mission Month Resources

This August is Mission Month, a dedicated time to get involved in, learn about, pray for, and support global mission. Our guiding theme this month is that your mission field is closer than you think.

We're encouraging people to think of how small actions in local settings can ripple outwards and touch the world. It's easy to relegate mission to "somewhere else", forgetting that there are many mission fields, some in our neighbourhoods, communities and parishes.

This Mission Month, we want people to reflect and take action on this idea. Though these actions could look like supporting a project, donating or raising funds, we'd like the primary outcome to be a increase in engaged disciples - asking questions about their role in Christ's mission, how they can help and how their actions can make a difference.

To help achieve this, we've produced a collection of resources that your parish, community or groups can use. This includes a series of 5 short video sermons (and accompanying study sheets) which talk about the 5 Marks of Mission. You could use these:

  • As video sermons for church services (during Mission Month and beyond)
  • As a discussion series for small groups and bible studies
  • As content for parish email lists
  • As posts for social media

These video resources, including all variations of the 5 Marks of Mission short talks are available:

  • With background music
  • Without background music
  • With background music and with subtitles
  • Without background music and with subtitles

You can also head to our website or YouTube channel to watch these before you download.

If you'd like USB drives with resources loaded sent to you, click here to send me an email and we'll get those out in the mail.

We've also included a collection of printable Mission Month posters which we'd love to have in as many parishes as possible! If you're unable to print these for your people, click here to send me an email and I can send you posters and other resources in the mail.

Your mission field is closer than you think! Thank you all for continually motivating God's people in mission - you are valued and seen. Click on the link below to access Mission Month resources and please let us know if there's any other way we can serve you this Mission Month.

Ngā mihi,

Olivia Hartfield
Projects Officer

Download Mission Month Resources