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Lay Ministers gather in Balclutha by Michael Godfrey

Lay Ministers' Training Day

John Graveston - March 5, 2020

Lay Ministers from throughout the Diocese met at St Mark's Anglican Parish complex in Balclutha on Saturday 29 February.

Bishop Steve was not able to be present but sent greetings to all those present thanking people for coming to Balclutha and being willing to look at ways to enhance and improve what they were doing. 

Greetings to Lay Minister Training Day 29 February 2020 Called South

Around 80 people were present and  participated in the following workshops: 

‘Sharing the Gospel Clearly and Simply’ including ‘How to share your faith in the workplace, clubs you belong to, and through friendships’ and ‘Developing Listening Skills’ led by Rev'd Canon Gary Griffith-Smith.

‘Making Prayer More Meaningful’ included ‘Personal Spiritual Practices’ led by the Rev'd Brett Roberts.

‘Creativity with Liturgies A’ included ‘Different Styles of Worship’ and ‘Prayers in the Church Service’ led by John Graveston and the Ven Dr Michael Godfrey.

‘Creativity with Liturgies B’ included ‘Choosing Songs for Worship’ and ‘Welcoming’ led by the Rev'd Dr Andrea McDougall.

‘Pastoral Care’ included ‘Taking Home Communions’ and ‘Hospital Visiting’ led by the Rev'd Joy Hamiton-Jones.

‘How to recognise my God-given gifts and talents’ included some self-analysis and reflection led by the Right Rev'd Fr Tony Curtis.

One participant commented that these workshops were better than ever, and it was wonderful how lay minister training had taken a new lease of life the last couple of years. Thanks must go to Anne Gover and the team who have put some much effort into ensuring all people involved in ministry in the Diocese have the opportunity to add to their tool kits and continue to really make a difference in their local communities.