Bishop Steven Benford — Mar 24, 2021

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Reverend Barbara and Reverend Francis Noordanus as Co-Vicars of St Matthew's Parish, Dunedin.

Barbara grew up in Dunedin and was shaped in her early faith by St Martin's North East Valley and then St Paul's Cathedral (where her mother Margaret Tripp continues to worship). Both Barbara and Francis have spent the last 18 years ministry in Eindhoven (Netherlands), part of the Church of England Diocese in Europe, where they had a particular commitment to nurturing young people and families.

Barbara and Francis will be installed as Co-Vicars at St Mathew's parish Dunedin on 24 April 2021. This is the cumulation of a long process for St Matthew's, but with a real sense of God's calling for them and the Parish to start this new journey together. The timing of their appointment comes as Rev'd Dr Peter Ross heads north to Nelson after Easter following his much appreciated interim ministry.

The story of how Barbara and Francis came back to NZ as the Pandemic was taking hold and had a strong sense of God calling them South is worth hearing - and I hope that many will be able to meet them in the future and share in their stories as they start to connect with ours.

Welcome, Francis and Barbara, to the Diocese of Dunedin Whanau and to St Matthew's Parish - we look forward to sharing this new journey together.
