Hero photograph
Sunrise from Mornington, Dunedin
Photo by Andrew Metcalfe

Light Beyond The Horizon

Ceridwyn Parr —

Deb Cole and Numia Tomoana give a vivid report of the Women’s Leadership Hui, tikanga Maori, held at Waipatu Marae, Hastings in November 2019. ‘Light beyond the Horizon’ included guest speakers Bishop Waitihiariki, Associate Professor Khylee Quince, and Revd Jenny Quince. Ngahiwi Tomoana led a hikoi to very significant sites in Heretaunga.

Attached below is the latest Anglican Women's Study Center Newsletter with these reports in the following articles: 

Darkness and Light. Janet Morley wrote a very meaningful litany,’ For the Darkness of Waiting’ which seems very apt for the Advent-Epiphany season, and in this time of anguish after the Whakaari eruption.

Blessed Opportunity. Nai Cokanasiga continues her beautiful description of her time in and around Jerusalem.

Shedding Some Light . ‘What exactly is the Women’s Studies Centre?’ the first article should shed some light.