Holy Week 2024
We have some photos to share from around the Diocese as the Holy Week journey took place for 2024
Holy Trinity Port Chalmers
The children made (yet another) fabulous Easter Garden at Holy Trinity.
All Saints Dunedin
Palm Sunday was (thankfully) drier this year, with the service including the blessing of two bells from St Chad's Middlemarch and St Stephen's Hampden that are going to be installed in a new belfry on All Saints' hall.
On the Maundy Thursday eucharist, after the washing of feet, the church was stripped and the Host taken to the Chapel of Repose... while the choir chanted a Psalm. Earlier, they performed a wonderful version of Ubi Caritas.
Upper Clutha Parish
This year Bishop Steve was in Upper Clutha and took part in the Good Friday procession of the Cross in Cromwell.
Eccumenical Procession of the Cross, Oamaru.
St Lukes - Maheno parish joined other Christians in Oamaru in the procession from the Roman Catholic Basilica, ending up in St Luke's Church.