Hero photograph
Bishop Steven Benford
Photo by Nicola Wong

From Bishop Steven

Bishop Steven Benford —

I am very conscious of the emotions that are surfacing at the moment over the decision of some to leave the Anglican Church. Emotions of anger, grief, bewilderment, but also relief. These are emotions felt by Christians across the shades of opinion, and reveal the great deal of grace that is being shown at this time.

But with heightened emotion there comes the potential for misunderstanding. This, too, is currently being experienced.

The Gospel passage set for Holy Communion as I write (Tuesday 20th) is about Jesus inviting himself to stay with Zaccheus, the diminutive tax-collector of Jericho. At one level this is a great story for Young People's Church. At another it provides timeless stimulus for folk of all ages to meditate on themes of recognition, repentance, and restoration.

But what strikes me on this day is the degree to which this is also a story of acceptance. Zaccheus has at face value a great deal to set him apart, and yet Jesus singles him out to receive words and actions of acceptance. Jesus stops by him, addresses him, invites himself to his home and gives him time. All this to someone society has despised, ostracised and rejected.

As Bishop of this Diocese I have committed myself to trying to follow Jesus Christ, using His example of seeking out and coming alongside anyone. With many forms of separation or division there is a temptation to "take sides" or to view those with differing views as the "other." This I believe is not the way of Jesus Christ. In Dunedin Diocese I expect us to continue to show a level of love, hospitality and acceptance that will set us apart.

We need to be setting the example of how to love each other when there are differences in opinion, not assuming positions of righteousness. The Church is not an elite club where membership is earned or deserved: we are sinners "saved by grace." With that attitude we can more realistically come alongside and love those who God is already loving.