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Diocese of Dunedin Draft Vision 2024 by Andrew Metcalfe

A Vision for the Diocese of Dunedin

Diocesan Council - July 11, 2024

We have finished our formal consultation, but there will be an opportunity to review feedback from this at our Synod in September.

This Vision document will be part of our processes to appoint a new Bishop, including developing a Diocesan Survey and Profile document that will be sent out in due course. The time for formal response to this has now ended... but do come prepared to have further discussions at Synod this September as we also think about appointing a new bishop.

A Draft Document to Consider

Diocesan Council asked that the draft Vision document be  " ...discussed in Diocesan organisation board meetings, congregations, committee-Vestry-Chapter and Archdeaconry meetings with any feedback to be sent to the Registrar before the end of June 2024". 

What did we hear back? 

The document fleshed out the one page description at the head of this article.

The following Feedback Questions were put to the Diocese.

  1. Is there anything missing from this vision i.e. particular values or actions that we should be focusing on that aren’t included? (Please tell us what these are).

  2. How helpful is this in terms of your thinking, reflection and praying about your future in your area? Anything else that could assist this for you?

  3. What, for you, is the most important part of the Vision to focus on?

  4. What would be the most challenging part for you, thinking about your own community and circumstances?

Currently feedback is being pulled together to share with Diocesan Council in August 2024 and then to Synod in September.

A copy of the Draft Vision document and other accompanying information is attached to this article. 

What is the Hope for 2024? Called South

Above: a video from Bishop Steve at the start of this year that encourages us to think about our future with hope.