Andrew Metcalfe — Jun 18, 2019

Recently in Dunedin there was a public housing forum which brought together property developers, community housing providers and other potential partners. Increasingly, the government through it's new Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, is shifting its focus away from Auckland to other parts of the country - including the South.

The Diocesan Registrar (Andrew Metcalfe)  is currently gathering some more information about this as there may be some interesting options for the Diocese as parishes and other organisations look at some of their land resources (watch this space!)

In the meantime, affordable housing continues to be a problem  for many in our communities. We have had attention brought to the following petition around housing led by Campbell Roberts,. He is a longstanding housing advocate, a Senior Officer in the Salvation Army, and is highly regarded nationally and internationally.

You may like to consider viewing and signing this petition which you can access here.