Hero photograph
All Saints Anglican Church, Invercargill
Photo by All Saints Anglican Church, Invercargill

Visiting Southland Archdeaconry

John Graveston —

John Graveston, Diocesan Child Youth & Family Educator has had the pleasure of spending half a week in the Southland Archdeaconry. He was able to meet with many people and have some great conversations....

John writes: "For the past four days I have be traveling around the Southland Archdeaconry spending time in prayer, fellowship and learning. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Southland and plan on visiting again soon. Some of my highlights were:

  • Taking part in the Invercargill prayer morning held at Holy Trinity Invercargill.  
  • Attending the Boundaries Workshop facilitated by Rev. Michael Godfrey discussing boundaries and the internet.
  • Observing the family service held at All Saints in Invercargill which was celebrating the harvest festival and had enough food donated to feed 500 people (roughly). I also loved seeing all the children gathered around the altar while Rev. Richard was celebrating the Eucharist (photo above from the All Saints Facebook page taken at a prior service). 
  • Sharing my faith journey at the Archdeaconry meeting and working with those attending on their vision for children and youth ministry in the Diocese.
  • Meeting with Diana Abercrombie and discussing her work, findings and thoughts on children and youth ministries in the Diocese.
  • Meeting with a variety of other people within the area who where able to share their thoughts and ideas with me. 

Thank you to all those who met with me and welcomed me into their places of worship. A special thank you to Keith Gover for helping organise my time in Invercargill. "

John Graveston
Child, Youth and Family Educator
Anglican Diocese of Dunedin