Hero photograph
Rev'd Dr Katie Marcar
Photo by Supplied

Divine Regeneration and Ethnic Mapping in 1 Peter

Andrew Metcalfe —

Rev'd Dr Katie Marcar is an Anglican member of the teaching staff at Otago university, a (fairly new) mother, an author... and participant in a podcast that brings all of these strands together.

Link to podcast

This is a talk that will get your brain working, but worth the effort!

Podcast Episode: Erin Helm speaks with Rev'd Dr. Katie Marcar about metaphors of divine regeneration in 1 Peter, metaphors of generation in other Jewish texts from the Second Temple period, seed metaphors, breastmilk metaphors, and how all of these topics work together to form an audience’s sense of ethnic identity. Katie is the author of the book Divine Regeneration and Ethnic Identity in 1 Peter: Mapping Metaphors of Family, Race, and Nation, published by Cambridge University Press in 2022.

Rev'd Dr Katie Marcar is a Teaching Fellow in Biblical Languages at the University of Otago, New Zealand. She completed a Masters in Biblical Studies at Edinburgh University before completing a PhD in New Testament Studies at Durham University. In her doctoral thesis, she studied the theme of divine regeneration in 1 Peter. Dr. Marcar’s research interests include textual criticism, the use of the Hebrew Scriptures in the New Testament, and the influence of Jewish apocalyptic thinking on New Testament texts. Katie is an ordained Deacon in the Anglican Church in New Zealand (Diocese of Dunedin). She is actively engaged in church ministry, preaching, and youth work.