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Reproductive Technology

Human Assisted Reproductive Technology

InterChurch Bioethics Council —

Together with the rest of the world, Aotearoa New Zealand is living in an age of rapidly developing human assisted reproductive technologies (ART). These assisted reproductive technologies increasingly allow us the ability and choice of when and how to have children. Accordingly, these life-giving technologies raise a variety of ethical questions requiring societal and spiritual discernment.

This attached article, collectively written by members of the InterChurch Bioethics Council (ICBC), aims to provide current background information on the science, ethics and Christian theology associated with reproductive technologies in the New Zealand context. 

We hope this information provides a useful resource and discussion platform for those wanting to explore through a faith lens what is currently emerging in ART. As Christians, we are called to have ears and voices both in discussions of the current bioethical issues arising from ART, and in identifying the unchanging principles of the Christian faith in these issues. This is the exploratory bridge that John Wyatt calls ‘double-listening’; exploring the ethical questions surrounding each of these reproductive technologies while drawing upon biblical Christian principles in our best care for our communities and society