Stories of Te Reo
Andrew Metcalfe - November 21, 2022
See previous article on the Synod resolution
This is part of a wider journey for many in Aotearoa - New Zealand, that has been described as a battle for the survival of te reo Māori fought by generations of people.
From our smallest towns to our biggest cities, on television, in schools, workplaces and in our homes there have been stories of this journey that need to be told and saved.
There is a new Stories of te Reo website, an immersive experience that helps to educate and acknowledge people on what happened in the past. It also tells what people are still doing to safeguard our language.
The timeline in the website only tells part of the story; it needs more stories to complete it. If you or someone you know has a story, experience and memory of te reo to share, this will help trace the ongoing battle to save the Māori language.
For the all of us, let's continue to find ways to honour and use te reo and make it more of a part of our everyday lives.
What can I do?
- In your prayers, have a go at using some of the alternative responses and prayers in Māori, so you can extend your repertoire (and comfort!) in Te Reo. Why not gradually incorporate more and more into your worship services?
- Have a look at resources we have on our website... and pray along with the audio recordings to help be more familiar and comfortable with Te Reo.
- In your own communications (pew sheets, websites, information leaflets, magazines) make sure you use te reo. It's an important way to include people and make all of us more comfortable with te reo.
- Try out some of the videos below to learn how to introduce yourself in te reo Maori and give an expression of hope...