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Office Staff

Revised Handbook Section G: Parish Matters

Andrew Metcalfe —

Diocesan Council has approved an amendment to Section G of the Handbook. This is the part that deals with Parish Matters, and it now has an additional guideline 18: Management of non-stipendiary Parish Staff. The time sheet template has been amended slightly - follow the links below to access this.

Guideline 18 is a work in process – we hope to have information here that will be useful for Vestries, Wardens and others who support non-stipendiary (lay) paid workers in a variety of situations.

One part of this guideline that has been included in this new section is around Time Banking arrangements for non-stipendiary employees, and an associated time sheet template (see links and attachments below) that anyone paid by the Diocesan Office Payroll can use. Please note that time banking (explained in 18 a) to c) of Section G) is only available where there has been local agreement to do so.

The timesheet template is optional, but using it (or adjusting whatever you already submit to include the information on it) will be very helpful for Dominique Aitcheson who looks after our payroll. It allows you to note regular hours, holiday, sick or other leave so that we have a correct record of what is happening for individual employees.

Link to Handbook Section G: Parish Matters

Diocesan Timesheet – Word Version (November 2018)

Diocesan Timesheet – .pdf Version (November 2018)