Hero photograph
John Graveston and Michael Godfrey outside Peter Mann House
Photo by Andrew Metcalfe

Diocesan Welcome for Educators

Andrew Metcalfe —

On Sunday 28th April the Diocesan Educators were formally welcomed into their roles during evening prayer at the Cathedral.

Rev'd Dr. Michael Godfrey has been in post as Diocesan Ministry Educator since November 2018 with John Graveston starting as Diocesan Child-Youth-Family (CYF) Educator  in April 2019.

People from throughout the Diocese came to be part of this occasion where we sang, listened to scriptures (with Michael and John reading these) and prayed for them both as they begin their ministry among us. 

During the laying on of hands in prayer, Bishop Steve prayed not only that they would receive all they needed to do their roles, but also that they would be given  times of real refreshment (not to work 24/7 which can often be the pressure when there is so much to do).

Both John and Michael are starting to get to know people throughout the Diocese and are very much looking forward to all that God is leading us towards in the future.

Continue to remember them in your prayers.