Hero photograph
Rev'd Sarah Parks leading session on Spiritual Practices
Photo by Andrew Metcalfe

Licensed Lay Minister's Training Day

Andrew Metcalfe —

St John's Roslyn Parish Hall and Church was the venue for a Lay Ministers Training Day on Saturday 23rd February. The presentation on Administration is included below.

Rev'd Canon Gary Griffith-Smith (Gore) led worship and prayers at various points, with Rev'd Sarah Park (Ministry Educator from the Auckland Diocese) leading participants in a series of activities around different kind of spiritual practices over the morning. People were encouraged to try out different ways of praying and reflecting on how they could recognise God in the world around them and in their own lives. Participants tried out a variety of practices from using resources such as Pray as You Go through to ways of connecting to God through art/nature and using the Christian Year cycle to vary spiritual practices.

Bishop Steve spoke at the beginning of the afternoon session, emphasising the importance of Lay Ministry especially as none of us can “do it all” ourselves - we all need each other and our different gifts.

Afternoon workshops included: Catechists (teachers of Faith) led by Rev’d Canon Michael Wallace; Evangelism - sharing our faith by Rev'd Canon Gary Griffith-Smith; Liturgist -for worship leaders, By Rev’d Sarah Parks; Pastoral Care, led by Rev’d Vivienne Galletly and Preaching lead by Rev’d Dr Michael Godfrey.

There was also a workshop on Administration given by Diocesan Registrar Andrew Metcalfe. Attached below is the presentation and the handout from this - of special note/interest to any new and existing parish administrators!