Getting out and about again With Aroha
All of us are appreciating getting out and about again after the long lock down period we have been through, but we need to continue to look out for each other.
On the 27-28 June +Steve enjoyed spending time in the Wakatipu Parish and this weekend is planning to spend some time in Southland at All Saint's Gladstone and Invercargill St Luke's Otatara.
It has been wonderful to be able to do this again, but a reminder that we are still in Level 1 and need to be taking care of ourselves and each other. This is especially so around social distancing; we have heard of some who are not comfortable returning to church due to what may be taking place around The Peace.
Have a look again at what we have recommended in our Alert Level 1 Frequently Asked Questions where we say:
In all Christian liturgical practices - like offering a sign of peace - we need to respect the needs of the other person and not presume they want a handshake, hug, kiss or hongi: they may be medically vulnerable or simply prefer to maintain some physical distance.
We suggest that you watch for the cue from another person - if they approach you without an outstretched hand, or use some other form of greeting such as the Namaste, respect that and respond in kind. No judgement or comment, just an acceptance of what another person needs in order to feel safe.
We encourage all priests, liturgists and worship leaders to remind people of the above - you may want to place something in your church pew notes for Sunday.
A reminder also of the poster that you can display in your church alongside your Government Tracing App poster (if you have one).
Have a look at some photos of Bishop Steven getting out and about in the Wakatipu parish last weekend. If any parish of local church would like to organise a visit from the Bishop, these are organised via Nicola Wong - get in touch to see what is possible over the next 12 months.