Chrism Oils

Chrism Eucharists 2025

An invitation to gather this Holy Week at a Chrism Eucharist, with fellowship and light supper to follow.....

Sisters and Brothers in Jesus Christ

A warm invitation to you to plan to attend one of the Annual Chrism Services held in the Diocese in Holy Week.

The Chrism Mass is a wonderful opportunity for lay and ordained people to both remember and renew the commitment we made as servants of Jesus Christ. There are two planned Chrism Services –

  • Holy Trinity Gore on Tuesday 15 April at 6pm, with light refreshments, tea and coffee afterwards

  • Cathedral on Wednesday 16 April, also at 6pm, with light refreshments, tea and coffee afterwards.

The hope is that these two services are timed well to suit our Clergy and Lay people.

Please note that the service is first at 6pm, followed by a good opportunity for us to share fellowship together.

Clergy who wish to robe, please wear white stoles.  

The Oil of Chrism will be blessed and there will be a chance to fill your church and labelled personal containers. In addition to the Oil of Chrism, there will be two further oils blessed and available afterwards: the Oil of the Sick and the Oil of Catechumens (for use at baptisms).

If you have oil from previous years, it might be the time to refresh stocks. If you are disposing of old oil stock, a respectful and sensible way to do this is to burn it or pour it into the ground.

Image by: Andrew Metcalfe

Chrism Eucharist details:

Tuesday 15 April 2025 6pm @ Holy Trinity Gore.

Followed by light refreshments, tea and coffee


Wednesday 16 April 2025 6pm @ St Paul's Cathedral 

Followed by light refreshments, tea and coffee.
