Ko Te Tonga kei te Karaka - The South CallingAutumn, Lake Waitaki, North Otago by Andrew Metcalfe

Regular Features

The place to come for our our regular features.....

Bishop's Diary

An opportunity to be aware of where Bishop Steve is in the Diocese and to continue to hold him in your prayers. 

Bishop Steven Benford — Image by: Andrew Metcalfe

Gospel Conversations

A taonga in our own Diocese, these are lively and thought provoking conversations on the weekend lectionary Gospel, perfect for preachers and any person of faith. All of these are available from our website

Easter 7 2022 John 17:20-26 Anne van Gend


Find out what positions there are for clergy and non-clergy people in the Diocese and beyond. 

Vacancies — Image by: Nicola Wong

Events and Calendar

The latest of what is going on in Otago and Southland in our churches as well as other organisations. Check this page to make sure an event is still taking place.  

Diary of Events — Image by: pixabay.com