Education for Ministry Information Day
Education for Ministry has long been a powerful way of helping people deepen their faith, as well as their knowledge of the Bible, theology, and Church history. In many dioceses it has been used as training for lay ministry, or even training for ordination. Mostly, though, it is done by people who simply want to enrich their walk with God. It is widely recognised for its particular way of helping people apply what they have learned to the realities of their lives.
If you would like to find out more for yourself, or in order to speak about it with parishioners, we are hoping to hold an information day on May 24th from 10am - 3pm which the national EFM administrator, Michael Crawford-Butler, will run. This is purely informational - no commitment is required or expected at this stage.
If you have completed EFM and would like to train to be a mentor, here's a message from Michael:
Education for Ministry is holding Mentor Training in Wellington on 2 & 3 May. Attending mentor training would be a great opportunity to see how an EfM group works and the knowledge and skills it could bring to people in your church. There is no charge to attend the training which starts at 1pm on Friday 2 May and ends about 5pm on Saturday 3 May. There is no obligation to becoming a mentor if you attend training but you will be given the option of becoming one if you wish. There is a expectation to do some preparation before the training by all who attend, primarily preparing a spiritual autobiography, and sharing a part of that autobiography.
We think this is such a valuable thing to be able to offer people in our diocese that we would be happy to fund anyone who has completed EFM and would like to become a mentor to attend the training day.
Let Anne know if you're interested in either opportunity, by emailing her on