Hero photograph
SRC at the Secondary YLA Conference
Photo by Sophia and Phoenix Tran and Vu

Student Issue 1, 2023

Student PR Team: Sophia and Phoenix —

Term 1 has been busy busy non stop with a number of initiatives led by students and teachers. We, members of the student leadership team, Sophia and Phoenix would like to acknowledge the efforts of those in our school community and share what the student leadership team (SRC) and our school seniors have been up to.

The enthusiasm of our peers has certainly shone 🔦 through as we start the year with an exhilarating year 12 bake sale which fundraised a whopping over $1000 for their yearbook. The efforts of the year 12s and SRC students who volunteered in bringing baked goods and selling are to be highly commended.

Another notable achievement is the PE faculty's reintroduction of Sports Houses following such a gruelling pandemic. Our peers' competitiveness and support radiated during our first annual whole-school swimming carnival since COVID and have continued to beam in other competitive events. The names of the teams are as follows: Kngwarreye (yellow), Gascoigne (blue), and William (red).

Early in the term, the SRC was given the opportunity to help reform our school's behavioural policy. We worked with Deputy Principal, Mr O'Neill and a few of our teachers by providing insight on the areas we believe have been successful and identifying areas that needed development to better support our peers. 

In week 7, three of our Prefects (Holly, James and Brodie) had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Prefect Afternoon Tea at Fort Street High, where they met prefects from all over Sydney and participated in fun mind-provoking games ðŸ•¹. Brodie, our BRO-tastic vice captain, came in at 2nd place in the trivia.

Our peers also witnessed a wonderfully held International Women's Day assembly with the theme of 'Embrace Equity' and listened to a magical piano piece by Goldie from year 10. We would like to acknowledge and thank the IWD team for organising and hosting an informative and empowering assembly.

The liveliness of Harmony Day is thanks to the HSIE department, as well as our peers and teachers who displayed great support and contributed to making it a successful event. The main quad was lined with delicious food stalls representing various countries from around the world. Our personal favourite was the tomato penne pasta prepared by Mr Pagano. Additionally, there were sporting events, a screen-casting in the library and an extremely slay talent quest MC'd by us, Amelie and Persephone ðŸŽ™.

later in the term, ten SRC members and our SRC coordinator, Mr Cooper, attended the Secondary Youth Leadership Conference at the ICC, where we all had a terrific time learning about leadership from young Australian entrepreneurs. We met students from different schools around NSW and had a great time exploring Darling Harbour (McDonald's). 

Our peers ended the term with a ROARING game of year 12 vs teachers netball which was accompanied by a sausage sizzle to further fundraise for the year 12 yearbook. The game was exceedingly exciting and ended with the teachers winning 18-13. BUT, we shall see who the real champions really are in the next round of games.

The following are commended in their input in making it an entertaining event:

  • Mr Quaglia and Mr Cooper
  • The students and teachers who participated in the netball game
  • The commentators
  • Our umpires
  • The sausage sizzle volunteers

AND of course, the students who came to watch and support the year 12 event.

Term 2 SRC Initiatives

Wow! The term ended at lightning speedâš¡. The SRC has been hard at work, planning new events for the coming term in order to promote diversity and affairs in our community.

The World Greatest Shave is fast approaching and will take place in week 2. We will be seeing many of our wonderful peers and possibly some teachers either shaving, cutting or dyeing their hair in support of Australian families that are currently facing blood cancer. Donations to the link attached would be greatly appreciated to reach our goal of $2800.

And finally, get excited for the re-election of the SRC team. We will be welcoming in the elected year 7's and new junior faces who are interested in the initiatives of the SRC. We plan to further develop the school environment through more fun events and activities to promote school engagement. Look out for more introductory posts of our re-elected team on the school's social media platforms @dulwich_high_school.

Overall, Term 1 was a blazing success and we can't wait for the new term.

Student PR team,

Sophia and Phoenix