Hero photograph
Brass performing next to Sol LeWitt Wall drawing #955, Loopy Doopy (red and purple) 2000
Photo by Mr O'Donnell

Art and Music Collide!

Mr O'Donnell, Music Ensembles Director —

DHSVAD Concert Band cause musical chaos at the Art Gallery of NSW

How often do you get a chance to walk the gallery floor of the Art Gallery of NSW with an instrument in hand? Our concert band students had a blast with tertiary mentors from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, exploring the amazing Sol LeWitt: Affinities and Resonances exhibition.

A graphic score is an artwork composed to be interpreted and performed by musicians. 

Students first learned how composers represent the concepts of music more abstractly, leaving the interpretation up to the performer. Afterwards they workshopped performances in response to existing works and created a work of their own inspired by their experiences in the gallery.

"I liked watching Steve Gunn and how he used technology to create his music" - Alwin Wade, year 7.

As a special treat, students caught a sneak peak of American guitarist Steve Gunn and Aboriginal electronic musician amby downs rehearsing their 40-minute work composed in response to the LeWitt. How amazing!