Hero photograph
Ms Taylor stepped in to answer calls during SASS Week while our hard working administration staff enjoyed a lovely lunch.
Photo by Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design

Deputy Principal Report: Attendance is Linked to Academic Success

Ms Taylor, Deputy Principal —

Dear Teachers, Students, and Parents, I hope this newsletter finds you all in good spirits as we navigate the way towards the end of a busy term. Holidays are approaching so I would like to take this opportunity to highlight a crucial aspect of our educational journey: attendance and its direct impact on improved learning outcomes.

The Power of Attendance for Enhanced Learning Outcomes

Research and experience consistently demonstrates that regular attendance plays a pivotal role in academic success. Attending classes regularly ensures that students are actively engaged with the curriculum, have access to vital classroom discussions, collaborate with peers, and receive real-time feedback from teachers. Each day at school is an opportunity for students to build upon their knowledge, skills, and understanding, setting a strong foundation for future academic and personal growth.

We greatly appreciate the ongoing efforts of our teachers, parents, and students in recognising the significance of regular attendance. By prioritising attendance, we collectively contribute to creating a supportive and productive learning environment that empowers students to reach their full potential.

Congratulations to Year 12 Students on Their HSC Journey

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to our dedicated Year 12 students who have been working diligently towards their Higher School Certificate (HSC) examinations. The commitment, dedication, and perseverance displayed by these students is truly commendable. As they approach the culmination of their high school journey, I encourage them to continue applying themselves, seeking help when needed, and embracing the challenges that come their way. I hope you are starting to plan your pathway beyond school, are a excited about the opportunities that await you.

I would also like to acknowledge the exceptional efforts of our teachers who have been guiding and nurturing our Year 12 students throughout this critical phase. Your tireless dedication to their academic growth and personal development does not go unnoticed, and we are grateful for your unwavering support.

Remember, success is not only measured by the end result, but also by the journey taken to achieve it.

Upcoming Events and Support

As we move forward, please ensure that you stay informed about upcoming school events, workshops, and support sessions by staying connected via our communication channels: Enews, Sentral Parent Portal and our school website. Don't forget to check out our wellbeing website DulwichTV to access expert and well researched advice on building student wellbeing.

Thank you for your continued support, dedication, and collaboration. Together, we can ensure a creative and successful future for all our students.

SASS Week 

Finally, I would like to thank all our wonderful SASS team (school administration and support staff) for their incredible hard work throughout the year!

We recently celebrated SASS Week at our school where we acknowledged the important role our administration staff, support staff and other non-teaching staff play in NSW schools. 

Our exec team including myself, even sampled first hand some of the great work our administration team do, as we stepped into their roles so they could enjoy a well earned special lunch and break during this great week. 

Warm regards,

Ms. Taylor

(R) Deputy Principal