P & C Dully High — Nov 28, 2022

We have had a busy year as we slowly returned to a calendar year of P&C events and activity.

Image by: P & C Dully High

With a focus for the school on the HSC, a busy calendar of assessments for the teaching staff and final year projects for students, we have had a quiet Term 4 for the P&C, instead concentrating on the call out for new volunteers to join the P&C to help drive a new focus on the renewal and rebuilding of our core community executive.

At our last P&C we had some new members offering to step up and shape and contribute to their community. The current P&C took over from some great members who shared their knowledge and we look forward to handing over to a new team. We will be nominating and electing those people at an extraordinary P&C ZOOM meeting to hold the AGM on Tuesday December 6th. If you would like to attend and volunteer to be part of the new P&C team or just come along to hear how it will be run register your interest to attend and we will add you to the meeting list.

email- pandcdhsvad@gmail.com

The funds help all students in the school. — Image by: P & C Dully High

Thankyou to the families that were able to pay the P&C contribution this year. This allows us to support in both significant and small ways across the school that assist in engagement, assets and improvements to the school environment. This is an easy way to give the P&C a monetary foundation and allows us to create events that are not focussed on fund raising. 

Volunteer Call outs for Events next year

To assist in the planning for next year with a new team we will be looking for volunteers assist and lead on an event by event basis. If you can help out with just one event and make sure it goes to plan that would help to spread the load and contribute in a limited but valuable way.

Our first event of the year will be the Year 7 2023 Welcome BBQ on Wed 15th March. We will be sending out a notice before the end of year for some key organisers and volunteers. We have not to been able to run the event for 2 years due to covid. This event leads into the first P&C meeting so its a great way to meet and welcome some new members of our community.

Look out for the Volunteer Call out in December.

P&C members helping run the BBQ at a past event — Image by: P & C Dully High

KILN finally arrives for the Ceramics Studio

The Kiln that the P&C contributed $6,500 towards arrived in November. The old kilns have been running hot with the very popular ceramics classes and were in need of renewal. Ready and awaiting to transform the clay objects ideas and imagination of our students, we look forward to seeing the results of this wonderful addition to the assets in the school. 

Image by: P & C Dully High

Life Drawing class a great night out!

Thanks to the parents and students who attended our inaugural life drawing class. It was a miseducating group experienced, rusty and first timers who came for an enjoyable couple of hours on a Friday evening at the end of last term.It was easy to feel inspired surrounded by the students art in the large art room near the gallery. Thanks to P&C member Fiona Kastauskas for organising the model and teacher from NAS to assist us and give some great foundation guidance to the art of life drawing.

The life drawing teacher gave some great instructions for the life drawing event — Image by: P & C Dully High
Students first time life drawing giving some great results in fast dynamic posing changes — Image by: P & C Dully High
The life drawing model gave us some great classic poses that were both challenging and enjoyable — Image by: P & C Dully High

P&C Highlights 2022

We will be publishing some highlights from the events and contribution before the end of the year. This will be shared on enews before school ends for the year.

This is a chance to reflect and share the contribution we have made to the community.

Highlights from 2021 with the amazing student cake — Image by: P & C Dully High
Image by: P & C Dully High

To all the Students and their families who have completed their HSC and are now relaxing after what has been a challenging couple years we would like to wish you all the best for whatever the future brings. 

To the students and families that remain we hope that you are able to get some down time and relax and recharge. We will see you in 2023.

DHSVAD lit up at last year's Winter Gala — Image by: P & C Dully High