Well done to our Maths Students on their Hard Work This Year!
2023 has been an eventful year. We wanted to take a moment to inform you of all the exciting things that have happened this year at Dulwich High School of Visual Arts & Design within the mathematics department.
Firstly, we are proud to report that our students have achieved remarkable results on their assessments this year. Year 7, 8, and 9 students all recently completed the Departments’ Check In Assessment. This assessment provides teachers with a greater understanding of the students’ numeracy skills. We were very impressed on our students’ diligence towards their study and revising for this state assessment.
We also implemented a new in-school tutoring program this year to help students who may be struggling with certain concepts. Maths Club was a safe space for junior students to get support from the Year 12 Advanced students. The program has been a great success and we have seen a significant improvement in the grades of those students who have participated. In addition, Homework Club which ran on Wednesday afternoons was also a great success. A big thankyou to Ms Harbort and Mr Platts for giving up their afternoons to provide academic support to the students.
2023 also saw the biggest number of competitors for the annual Australian Maths Competition. The competition was fierce and we have had a large number of students who received a Credit, Distinction and a High Distinction. A huge shout out to Eva Scott from Year 8 who received Best in School Award. Overall, our students demonstrated their skills and knowledge in a fun and competitive environment.
A selected group of students in Year 9 and Year 10 recently were taken by Mr Cai and Mr Kichkin to Sydney University to participate in the Mega Maths Day. The event engages students who need to make choice about what kind of mathematics to do in senior school. The program was designed to inspire student and showcase a variety of disciplines and careers that require mathematics. Students participated in workshops such as 4D Geometry in Virtual Reality where they were able to experience a immersion lab and take a deep dive into the fourth dimension, and Mind Your Maths where students analysed behaviour, abilities and skills. A big thank you for Sydney University for offering this great program.
Mathematics doesn’t stop when the bell on the last day of school ends. A reminder to parents that students will still have access to Mathspace, or Mangahigh over the holidays. Students can do their own assigned custom tasks and keep those mathematics skills fresh and fluid.
So if you need a little bit of a break, tell your child to do 30 minutes of Mathspace or Mangahigh. Alternatively, the Department does have some great everyday resources in their Maths Trains Brain website: https://education.nsw.gov.au/parents-and-carers/everyday-maths/high-school
However, mathematic fluency can be aided greatly by many board and card games such as Monopoly, Uno, and Risk. If you prefer apps then we can recommend the following: Duolingo Math, Dragonbox Algebra 5+, and Mathigon.
We are incredibly proud of our students and the hard work they have put in this year.
We look forward to another great year ahead!