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Photo by DHSVAD

Supporting students through the HSC

Ms K Owen & Mr J Reid, School Counsellors —

Whether you’re feeling excited or overwhelmed (or maybe a bit of both) about what lies ahead in the next few months, putting in place some simple strategies and routines can help you feel focused, motivated and supported throughout the journey.

Supporting information helpful for all students 😃).

Some top tips for keeping school life balanced.

· Maintain your routine - a balanced routine is very important for managing stress. Try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night, maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Doing these things may seem boring, but they are so important for getting into the right headspace to manage the pressures of Year 12. Also continue with extracurricular actives where possible. These are important in providing balance in our life and a break from the stressors of study.

· Be kind – to yourself and others - Your friends are likely experiencing similar worries and it can really help to talk about it together. You do not have to solve the problem - sometimes it’s just enough to listen. Encourage your friends to reach out for help if you or they think it is needed.

· One step at a time - Feelings of low motivation or ‘there’s too much to do - it’s all too hard’ are very normal. If you are feeling this way, start small. One thing at a time and prioritise what needs to be done. If you need help knowing where to start with this, ask your teacher or Year Advisor. Planning your study can help.

Access online resources

  • Moodgym, a free online self-help program for people who may be experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety
  • This Way Up, which has some free/low-cost online programs on topics such as stress management
  • Headspace website, for reliable, helpful information on general mental health and wellbeing that is specific to young people
  • Headspace app, a mindfulness and relaxation program.

If you're feeling overwhelmed and you’d like to talk to a trained professional, you can also call Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) or Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636).

DHSVAD - School Counselling team.

Source: https://www.uac.edu.au/media-centre/news/hsc-help-tips-for-year-12-wellbeing