Mr P Wootten, Head Teacher, VA — Dec 2, 2022

It is always exciting to see what our creative young artists can produce for the Self-Directed Project.

It is of course an opportunity for each student to explore their own interests both in the concept for the work and in the art making form they wish to pursue. The joy comes from seeing such a wide range of ideas, issues and expressive forms on exhibition as an expression of the artistic journey of each of the students.

This annual exhibition is a time to celebrate creativity, with students demonstrating their level of engagement through their imagination, being inquisitive about exploring ideas and artmaking techniques, applying persistence through the ups and downs of the creative process and consequently the development of skills and self-confidence as a result of the challenge.

The gallery was filled to maximum capacity as family, friends and students had the opportunity to see the fruition of over 100 students work.

Congratulations to the Artstream students on wonderful artworks produced over the year, to the parents and carers, much thanks for the support you provide your children and to the Visual Arts teachers in their passion and investment in guiding their students through the artmaking process, the value of the visual arts process diary and the importance of research to provide additional depth to the meaning and techniques employed in the artwork.

Image by: DHSVAD
Image by: DHSVAD

Image by: DHSVAD
Image by: DHSVAD
Image by: DHSVAD
Image by: DHSVAD
Image by: DHSVAD
Image by: DHSVAD