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Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design

by Dulwich High School of Visual Arts & Design

How you can help empower students to say no to Vaping

Ms Mora, Student Support Officer - June 29, 2023

The University of Newcastle is seeking parents and children to help test if a text message program is an effective approach to preventing youth vaping.

Researchers from the University of Newcastle are conducting a study to assess whether a text message program sent to parents and adolescents (aged 12-15) can help prevent youth from vaping. The messages have been developed to address known barriers and enablers to youth vaping, and aim to facilitate conversation between adolescents and their parents or carers on the topic of vaping. The website for the study can be found here:

The study is being done by University of Newcastle researchers, led by Professor Luke Wolfenden. The project is funded by the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI).

Image by: Dulwich High School of Visual Arts & Design