Hero photograph
Photo by Courtesy of Nihongo Tanken Centre

The Nihongo Tanken Centre

Ms J KIm. LOTE & Mr T Sun, Teacher, Japanese —

'Nihongo Tanken' means 'exploring Japanese' in the sense of an adventurous expedition into Japanese language and culture, seeking a deeper understanding of the Japanese language in context.

Image by: Courtesy of Nihongo Tanken Centre

In Term 3, Weeks 2 & 8.Yr 10 students will have an excursion to The Nihongo Tanken Centre, a stimulating and authentic Japanese environment where students from Kindergarten to Year 12 can use and further develop their Japanese language skills.

The centre is a Japanese-style building and garden with the 'look and feel' of Japan. 

Image by: Courtesy of Nihongo Tanken Centre

Students will receive a customised program tailored to their abilities and prior learning. Students are excited to participate in a range of activities, practising and developing their language skills. 

Mr Sun’s Yr 10 class went on an excursion to the Nihongo Tanken Center in Kirrawee for a day of Japanese immersion activities. Our students had a great time interacting and conversing with each other in Japanese. A big thank you to Taka-san and Mieko-san from the centre for facilitating the day.