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Product substitution

Building Services Team —

Supply issues and shortages of certain building materials, particularly Gib plasterboard, is affecting local businesses.

To help address the supply issues MBIE has released guidance on plasterboard substitution.  

There are other products available, but care is needed as some may not comply with the building code. This means designers will need to undertake some research to ensure that products and technical information is supplied and specified appropriately to avoid delays in the consent process, or on site. 

We will generally process minor variations to a building consent (including plasterboard substitutions) in accordance with MBIE guidance.  

Where possible changes on site may be treated as a minor variation, but there is potential the change could trigger the requirement for a full building consent amendment. 

If the change affects restricted building work, a design memorandum will be required from the licensed building practitioner (design) or engineer. Changes that effect design, where a producer statement was originally provided, will require a revised producer statement.  

Talk to our inspectors on site or contact us early in the process so that we can assist in avoiding unnecessary delays and expense. We will do our best to process these changes as quickly as possible. 

To help us help you get your minor variation or amendment approved quickly please use our online forms. You will need to register to use our online service. Note, charges for minor variations are now based on an hourly rate.  

More information about minor variations and amendments can be found here

If you need help contact us by emailing building@dcc.govt.nz or call 03 477 4000.