You can now have your say on Dunedin’s new Future Development Strategy and help shape how the city grows for the next 30 years.
The DCC and Otago Regional Council are jointly developing a Future Development Strategy for the city, in partnership with mana whenua alongside Waka Kotahi and Kāinga Ora.
The strategy replaces the current Dunedin Spatial Plan and outlines strategic directions for the city over the next 30 years.
It discusses how we will meet the city’s housing and business needs and what infrastructure we need to support growth and development, including transport infrastructure services, 3 Waters, parks and recreation facilities and natural hazards protection infrastructure.
It also includes a statement of hapū and iwi values and aspirations for urban development.
Public consultation is taking place until 28 February 2024. The draft strategy is available to view online, at the DCC Civic Centre, libraries and the ORC. Public information sessions to explain it and answer questions are also planned for early this month.
We’re encouraging people to provide feedbackon the options identified for long term growth, and what is needed to support growth and achieve a well-functioning urban environment, such as reducing emissions, building resilience to natural hazards and protecting and enhancing biodiversity.
Hearings for those wishing to speak to their submission will be held early April and a final Dunedin Future Development Strategy should be released mid-2024.
For more information, head to our website.