Hero photograph

The Book Adventurers’ Club Diary

Cassie Lindsay, former Library Assistant —

May = Mythical Creature Month

Book Adventurers’ Club meets every month on the 1st Thursday of the month, from 4pm - 5pm on the 2nd floor of City Library.

We started off this month’s book club with another ‘fill in the words’ story using this list:

1 Colour

2 Superlative ending in est

3 Adjective

4 Body Part (plural)

5 Body Part

6 Noun

7 Animal (plural)

8 Adjective

9 Adjective

10 Adjective

Here’s our mythological creature story:

Dragons by the Book Adventurers’ Club

The red Dragon is the stickiest Dragon of all. It has old legs, and an arm shaped like a chair. It loves to eat rats, although it will feast on nearly anything, It is tall and new. You must be miniature around it, or you may end up its meal!

We had a chat about Mythical Creatures of different kinds and their attributes, and looked at some books on the subject. We then played a game, Heads Bodies and Legs. Everyone started out drawing a head on their piece of paper and the pages were swapped around the table for someone else to draw the body and the next person to draw the legs. We then unfolded all of the drawings and named our mythical creatures and gave them special powers. The Book Adventurers club came up with some creative and interesting ideas. Have a look at some of the Adventurers’ artwork on this page.

When we’d finished our drawings, Rachel read some of Power of the Fire Dragon by Tracey West.

The kids then did a mythical creatures word search, and to finish up looked at some new books to take home.