Anne-Maree Wigley, Manager Business Support, Dunedin Public Libraries — Apr 21, 2017

The library catalogue is a gateway to the wealth of physical and online resources that Dunedin Public Libraries provides it members.

A recent upgrade to our catalogue software has enhanced it with some new features. Let's say, while doing a search, you come across an interesting sounding title in your results, but are not sure whether or not it is worth taking out. Now, a Google Preview button allows you to read some sample pages, see what others have said about the book, and learn something about the author. It even allows you to purchase the title. This feature is not available for all titles, but adds quality where it exists.

When you find items while searching that you want to keep and organize, you can save them in your ‘My Lists’. This function allows you to keep track of those titles you want to read at some stage, but haven’t quite got time for now. You can create and customize your lists, and you can print or email your lists. From ‘My Lists’, you can also place holds on items.

And if you are wondering whether or not you’ve already read a title before, there is now a sort function in your ‘Checkout History’, which will put all the titles you’ve had out in the last three years in alphabetical order, to make it easy to check.

If you’re interested in learning about these, and other helpful features of the catalogue, just ask at your local library.