Bernie Hawke, Group Manager Arts and Culture — Aug 30, 2016

The Gig City Living Hub in the City Library is due to go live in the near future and offer a whole new range of digital content and access to the Dunedin Community.

Not only will you be able to access Gig speed wifi in the City Library, as well as a range of other locations across the city, but you will be able to try out a range of digital devices to see what might work for you, and access digital content streamed from Dunedin around the world displayed on the multifaceted digital cube.

A programme of events will be organised to showcase the potential and opportunities presented by the Gig speed technology available in Dunedin.

The City Library is an ideal place for the Gig City Living Hub as it is a busy central city location already visited by over 800,000 people every year. In addition, the Library has for a number of years already been increasing the range of resources and content in digital format, such as eBooks, eAudio books, eMagazines and online databases.

In addition, for those members of the community who are new to some of the digital technologies or may wish to build their confidence with them, the Library will soon be offering free training programmes as part of the Stepping Up programme. Watch this space for what short courses are available and how you can sign up.