Dunedin Public Libraries - August 29, 2015
Whether you are searching the library catalogue, searching the Internet on a computer in the library, using your own device with the library wifi, reading an overseas newspaper on Press Display, catching up on the latest issue of your favourite magazine on Zinio or downloading one of the library eBooks or eAudio books to your tablet or smart phone, we now rely on technology to make it all happen.
In years past print on paper was the only format, whether it be books, magazines or newspapers. Today there is not only a diversity of formats, so you can read your favourite novel on paper in hard copy, on a screen as an eBook or listen to it as an eAudio book, but an increasing number of items are ’born digital’ and only available in digital format.
As part of its ‘Better Public Services’ agenda, the New Zealand government is encouraging all New Zealanders to conduct more transactions online, be they related to income and taxes, social services support, government information or any of the multitude of reasons we contact the central government.
With free public access Internet and wifi in all branches of the Dunedin Public Libraries, your local public library is the ideal place to use this technology to support and improve your life.
Bernie Hawke | Group Manager Arts and Culture